Tuesday – teaching and time

Hello hello!! There’s been a long radio silence from me. That was not because I didn’t want to write and keep in touch. I just have not found any time to. Time is precious and since October 2021 my time had to be divided up into segments of teaching part time as a science teacher in one of the best schools in the area, preparing for said lessons, marking assessments done by students, tutoring a few other students privately and, well, sleeping and living life with my family. I really loved working as a teacher in this international school, but the amount of time spent grading assessments (almost every weekend and every single vacation except one) was overwhelming. I decided to turn down the offer to stay on.

And that goes against my usual nature. I’ve been used to saying yes to most offers. But age and wisdom has taught me that I must be able to say no sometimes too. Of course, I am very fortunate to have that choice. I won’t be idle, nope, that’s also not my style. But I want to work more on book promotions and writing. Maybe a second book in the series Mindful Maxwell Mouse and Friends will be born? I also want to expand mentoring/ tutoring students privately. 

As you know, I am a fervent believer that Mindfulness practice can help to calm ourselves; by teaching this to students, I know I can share the skills that can help them navigate stresses in their lives. So, let’s see where this journey will take me next. Bertie Bunny and I will keep you updated on the summer adventures in store by posting on our social media platforms. Where are we off to this summer, you ask?

Very soon, we will head to Spain to see our middle son, Kaj, graduate from university!! That will be awesome! He has worked hard and he is worth a fun celebration. The whole family will be together for 2 days. Then, at the end of July, I will fly to Sweden with my mom. We will spend a week in the south to see good old friends (my oldest friend lives there; Maria is the friend that I have known the longest) and then we head further north to where my mom is from. The rest of the family will join us there. Our boys are so excited! It has been 9 years since we went to Sweden as a family!! That is what I call time flying away from us. Where did those years go? 

I am incredibly excited about seeing relatives that I have not seen in a long time and just spending time in the country that is where my parents are from. I was not born there, but my roots are there. And we lived there when our two youngest were born. I adore the Swedish countryside and I intend to take full advantage of it. Mosquitoes and all!

And I am already planning that it can not be another 9 years until we go back next time! No way!! Bertie Bunny has never been to Sweden, so this little bunny is super excited (albeit a little anxious too) to see the beautiful forests depicted in the wonderful illustrations created by Kelli. Maybe we can even do some fishing!

That’s all for me, I will keep on writing and keep in touch. Be well sweet people. Take care of yourselves and those you love. Until next time.
