Taking Time - on Tuesday
I’m sure you agree that time seems to pass faster as you’ve gotten older. When we were little, even a day full of games and fun was perceived to be longer than one of those days now that we’re adults. The only way to “slow down time” nowadays is to be really bored (standing in line or having to wait for something) or to do an activity that allows you to be in a state of flow. I prefer the latter. But, as I get older and wiser, I realize the importance of taking the time for myself or for things that I feel are more important. Today I was lucky to have several moments when I could take the time to “smell the flowers” as it were.
I went to my mom’s. She had a date at the Covid vaccination center. I decided to accompany her because I am interested in seeing how it’s done but also, of course, because I could and wanted to assist her. We ate lunch together and admired the crocuses coming up in her yard. We then travelled by public transport and as we travelled and waited her turn in the center, she reminisced about her past.
You see, my mom has been rereading her old diaries. From the 90’s. To me, that doesn’t seem so long ago, but when I do the math…it’s a long time ago! Our kids weren’t even born yet. My parents, in the 90’s, were the same age that I and Bill are now. She said, “we socialized so much; we were seeing friends all the time! Almost all of those friends are now gone.” Sigh. My mom says that when she reads in her old diaries, she feels like she is travelling back in time and she feels so grateful for all the good times she and my dad had.
This makes me happy. And I’m so grateful that I took the time to listen to these stories. I just wish I had taken the time when my dad was alive to write his stories down. Because he was a man full of great stories! But time flew away from us.
Be well, take the time for precious moments for yourselves, sweet friends. And I truly hope we can soon spend real time together.