21.5.21 – Friday – Finding Fascination : Flies, Frog & Fish (and later, Fox)
Finding something to write that starts
with F. Fascinating encounters can
can shape us. Here you will read
three short tales from my past.
Finding something to write that starts
with F. Fascinating encounters can
can shape us. Here you will read
three short tales from my past.
Our furry friend Pako is such a funny
guy. He cracks me up. Let me tell you.
Did you know that psychologists
studying humour have found out that
on average we humans stop laughing
(as much as before) when we are 23
years old. Nuts.
How did you meet your life partner, if
you have one? Were you struck? Was
it “Love at first sight”? Every story is
different and interesting…
Lately, life has been testing our ability
to pivot and be flexible. Agree? The
ability to change plans when the
world throws you a curve ball is an
advantage, I believe.