13.1.22 Thursday – tempted?

Can I tempt you to step up and help a friend ? I need your support. Can you guess what?

Next week, my boxes of books should be arriving at my door! Yes, and that means that the next step in my self-publishing author journey starts:

Marketing and selling! This is the part I have actually been dreading. Since the beginning. I’ve never been very good at marketing myself or selling stuff. But obviously, the books won’t sell themselves, so I have to put in some effort! Now, you’re maybe wondering how you can help…

Do you know anyone who works with kids aged 4 to 10? Or maybe you know a librarian or have a book store in your city? Perhaps you know someone who is interested in Mindfulness or mental health for children? There might be someone in your family or circle of friends who enjoys reading books to children. Hey, maybe those people know people? 

Can I ask you to talk about and write about my upcoming book and to think of all those contacts you have and ask them to spread the word about my book? That would be absolutely awesome!

Please respond to this message if you are willing to be part of my launch team. Or you can just go ahead and share this email or my social media tags:

And my website: https://annikasbooks.com

I plan to do book readings at local schools, daycares and libraries in the coming months. But I have another dream. To travel the world to do book readings. Well, eventually. 

You see, my book has some valuable lessons that go with it. Children can learn how to practice Mindfulness. 

Children (and adults) can really benefit from learning some simple exercises that if practiced regularly can bring more focus, more self esteem and a calmer sense of awareness. It does the mind and body well to be able to slow down and bring our attention to the present moment sensations. I promise. But don’t just take my word for it! 

Feel free to book a free session of Mindfulness meditation with me on Zoom if you like.

Are you in? I hope so.

Take care and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Until next time. – Annika

To the left is a photo of the first paper draft of the book, unbound. It was so cool to hold it. But also crucial because I noticed some things that had to be fixed.

If you just see your book on a computer screen, it’s easy to miss small mistakes or details you hadn’t thought about.

Coming soon…piles and piles of books in boxes!!