Sometimes you just meet the right person at the right time. 

I want to tell you a little story about connections and stepping out of your comfort zone.

Going back several years, I participated together with other teachers and groups of students in something called Odyssey of the Mind. This is an amazing program for students of almost all ages. It allows them to use creativity and teamwork to compete in projects. They gain confidence and become problem solvers. The director of the Odyssey in Switzerland is a passionate educator. Her incredible enthusiasm for the projects and the students stayed with me after that day.

Then, one day, a few years later, I met Marcia again by chance. We were both doing workshops in a school in the outskirts of Geneva. I was teaching students about emotions and Mindfulness. We sat next to each other during lunch and I recognized her straight away from her enthusiasm and energy. We connected again and she listened with interest to the work I do. And later she asked if I would be interested in being interviewed. Whaaaat?!

We organised a meeting. I brought my children’s book and my Mindfulness fliers. She explained that she writes and publishes articles for an online magazine/ website; education related articles. With contagious enthusiasm and passion, she said that she wanted to share my story and my book on this website. I did not say nope!

I felt so very honoured that she believed this could be material of interest to others. That’s what we think when we have a good dose of impostor syndrome. Hahaha. Yes, that I do have. But I decided to tell myself “just go for it!” Was I scared? Yes.

Marcia asked me to make a video of myself reading my book. She said she wanted the international schools around here to have access to it. And if anyone is well connected to the international schools around Geneva, she sure is!

I couldn’t believe my luck to have met Marcia again! And what a pleasure it was to speak with her that day.

To read the book How Bertie Bunny Became Brave is something I have done so many times now in person to children in schools. But to make a video and have it put “out there” in the vast space that is the internet was something new. 

So yes, I was nervous. But going out of my comfort zone is something I have been practicing my whole life, more or less. A lot more so lately as a middle-aged adult, of course, since I am innately shy.

So now I would like to share this Le Pôle Education website with you. It has a lot of interesting articles. And now there is also the video of myself reading my book. If you have not yet read this story, you can hear it now. But children should be able to hold a real book in their hands. Hopefully you agree.

So, even though my book is available on Amazon as a Kindle ebook, I recommend that parents buy the softcover physical book instead of the Ebook. The best version of the real book is the one I sell from my website. So, if you are in Europe, don’t hesitate to order it (as well as the bunny) from my website!

And, even more important, Bertie Bunny, the hand-made, crocheted cuddly toy and hero of the story is a big part of what children enjoy. He is not sold on Amazon, but I can ship one if you contact me. The “worried” and the “happy” Bertie Bunny (yes, there are two different faces) are a big part of the book reading experience at schools.

Thanks for reading!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Be well and take care of yourself and those you love.