21.7.21 Wednesday – Whispers

Wednesday – Whispers

Do you believe that life sometimes whispers to you? Maybe you have felt something in your “gut” and are drawn to something or someone or to do something (or not) at that moment. I think that’s our intuition. Other people might define it differently. Have you had such a feeling before and made a decision based on your gut feeling?

One can train one’s intuition so that we hear those whispers better. Sitting quietly helps. Being in nature helps.  And the more we practice, the more easily we’ll feel the tug of our intuition or gut feeling.

Maybe you want to try sitting in the forest, or someplace where you are surrounded by nature or in a quiet place. Away from the sounds of civilization. And experiment with gently switching your focus. For example…

Start by focusing on the sounds around you. For a few breaths maybe. If your mind starts to chatter to you, don’t worry, just try to refocus. Then, focus on the feelings of your feet on the ground. Just that for a bit. Maybe, afterwards you switch your focus to your breath. Feel how it feels to breathe. You can take deep breaths or just normal breaths, but try to concentrate on how the air makes your different body parts feel. You choose how long you want to practice. Perhaps one focus suits you better than another and you might want to just focus on your breath the whole time.

It’s not important if you can’t focus very well. On certain days it might be easier than on others. Our minds wander and that’s just us being humans. So don’t worry. Be happy. Or not. But the important thing is not to judge yourself if you don’t manage to focus for long, because this stuff takes a lot of practice. Consequently, the more we practice, the simpler it becomes. 

That practice describes Mindfulness. We could call it present moment awareness. Because that is what it is. As soon as we pay attention to the here and now (by focusing on our current sensations or our breath, for example) our body relaxes. I find it fascinating.

So, coming back to the whispers. The more we are able to practice being in tune with our sensations -and that can be done by practicing Mindfulness- the more easily we will hear when our intuition speaks to us. And the more we practice, the more we quiet our monkey mind chatter. This can lead to less stress as well. 

Listening to your intuition can lead to beautiful things; it might even save you from some unwanted situations. Who knows? I like to think of it being the Universe guiding me.

Be well, sweet people and let your life/your gut/the universe (you choose)  whisper goodness to your soul every day.

beach, cliff, bay

Do you want to share your experience? I’d love to hear from you! 

You can reach me at booksbyannika@gmail.com. I promise to answer! I love getting to know new people all over the world.

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